Halyna Hamelink-Ihnatenko
Halyna`s works can be divided into two categories: Pop Art and Abstraction. The artist mainly works in large format with rich, bright colour palette and plays with the structure while applying the colours. Her abstracts in particular have a relief-like surface that creates an effect of sparkling colours.
The artist is characterized by excellent creative and manual skills. She works accurate and with great attention to detail. The art of Halyna is extraordinarily aesthetic and elegant. It takes the viewer into beautiful worlds and leaves a feeling of harmony.
11.02.1960 born in Chernigiv, Ukraine
1981-85 studied design and arts at the Briansk University of Art, Russia
1985-88 works as an artist at the Chernigiv artists’ workshop, Ukraine
1988-91 works as artist for creative work and desig, level 6, at Chernigiv Radio Works in the department of the chief architect
1991-92 artist at the cooperative company „Spektr“ Chernigiv, Ukraine
1992-2003 owner of a textile shop in Chernigiv, Ukraine
2001-2004 studied pedagogy at the University of Chernigiv, Ukraine
2003-2006 director and teacher at the computer school in Chernigiv, Ukraine
2006 moved to Germany and was until 2011 leading worker in various businesses
2011-16 draftswoman and graphic designer in the internal field service at Haus-Sanierung-Beratung Indivo GmbH, Berlin
2011- until today freelance artist and owner of the art gallery „PostArt Gallery“ in Berlin
2020 July duo exhibition „Expressions of Spirituality“ at the PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2020 March group exhibition for the international women`s day „The Woman“ at Rehberg Gallery Berlin
2020 February duo exhibition „Surreal Reality“ at the PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2020 February group exhibition at culture salon at Forum Factory, Berlin
2019 June-August international group exhibition „InterArt“ in Pommernhus Kunsthalle, Greifswald
2019 May group exhibition „Multikolor“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2019 January group exhibition „Senergy of Souls“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2018 solo exhibition „Ein Traum in wie?“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2017 December group exhibition „Woman´s melody“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2017 solo exhibition „About love“ in the Russian House, Berlin
2017 February solo exhibition „The transplant of souls“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2016 July group exhibition „Five Elements“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
2016 May group exhibition at culture salon at Forum Factory, Berlin
2016 April solo exhibition „The spiral of worldview“ at PostArt Gallery, Berlin
1984-2006 participation in various group exhibitions in Brjansk (Russia), Chernigiv (Ukraine), Montabauer (Germany)